Wednesday, May 9, 2012

January- May 9th, 2012

Jack "Can I have anudder orange?" Me "No. You're going to turn into an orange." Jack, tapping one finger to pursed lips: "Hmmmm..... Let. me. fink.... I know!" he exclaims, holding his finger triumphantly in the air "I'll eat one more orange!" While on vacation without the kids: I just called to get an update on the kids. Apparently Jack is informing people "Daddy went on an Airplane. Mommy went to Target." Jack: "Charlotte, it's time to go night-night." Charlotte: "NOOOOOOOOOO!" Jack: "Yes." Charlotte: "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" Jack: "Yes." (Repeat times a gazillion.) Jack: "Don't talk to me like that. Say 'Yes, Sir.' " Me: "Jack, you had a crazy night last night, you're going to need an early nap." Jack, yelling: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Me: "If you yell then you're going to bed even sooner." Jack, whispering: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Jack was sent to his room for sending a 20 minute temper tantrum. He came out after a bit and said "MOM! I'm all better! I'm a good boy now! I'm nice!" in a tone that conveyed it was a Christmas miracle. Scene: Charlotte has just fallen and hit her head. She is crying very loudly. Jack "Okay, okay, okay! What do we have here? Did you hurt your head? I'll kiss it. There, baby, is that better?" Charlotte: emphatically "NO!!" ..... (reluctantly) "Yesh." Jack, sitting on our dog: "Look, mommy! I'm riding Stanley! I'm a cowboy!!" Charlotte, chasing Jack and Stanley: "Jump, Stanley!! Stanley, Jump!!" "Mommy, look! I pee'd in a bowl!" -Jack, handing me a bowl with pee in it. Jack, after ripping up a flower: "Mommy, I broke that flower and that makes you sad." Me: "That's okay, bubs, accidents happen." Jack: "Mommy, I love your heart." Even though Jack isn't home, Charlotte is going from toy to toy, snatching it up and yelling "No, Jack-Jack!" Flashbacks. Charlotte was being very grumpy and Jack asked what was wrong with her. I told him that she needed to go to sleep, he countered "No, she needs to go to Renovatus." Time for a come to Jesus meeting, Charlotte. Jack - "I'm strong! And really smart! ...And tired!" I would imagine so. Me- "Jack, are you ready for bed, babes?" Jack - "Ummmmm.... No, thank you."

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